Cluck Cluck Shack

They say that necessity is the mother of invention. However, in this case, it was more like desire was the mother of design. Desire being that our 11 year old daughter wants to be a farmer when she grows up and we wanted chickens as a family, so enter a new cluck cluck shack.

Upon researching needs and requirements for chicken coops, it seemed to boil down to a handful of requirements for a successful operation: nesting boxes, roost, run, ventilation, protection and covering. Obviously there needs to be food and water as well. We also made sure there was easy access for cleaning the coop. Since the chickens are free ranging most of the time, the integrated run did not need to be that large.

The materials for the project were primarily scraps and extra from our house renovation. Since our house renovation is that of a 1920’s farmhouse, the cluck cluck shack design wanted to be reflect the aesthetic of its place. The build of the shack was a big old blessing from my brother-in-law and nephew (Ron and Josh) who took our design and brought it to fruition during their visit here this past summer!

There are currently three Rhode Island Red young ladies each giving us an egg a day with more chickens and an expansion to the shack in our future. This is to help nurture our daughter’s desire to be a farmer and introduce her to selling eggs and teaching her a business model.

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